12 Inch Poll

The 18 Best North Shore Beaches, Chosen By North Shore Beachgoers

Not only can you peruse this list of the best North Shore beaches, you can vote for your favorite one! To clarify straightaway: we're not talking Hawaii here. The North Shore in question isn't the North Shore of Oahu. It's the North Shore of Massachusetts. If you want Oahu's North Shore, go watch the 1987 movie. It's not as cheesy as you remember. I grew up on the North Shore. Running around Greenwood in Wakefield as a kid, eating my way up and down Rt. 1 in Saugus, hitting the beaches in Gloucester and beyond. So I consider myself a bit of a North Shore expert. More on that below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxTjTGhQ9jY&pp=ygUTbm9ydGggc2hvcmUgdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D Best North Shore Beaches: Beach Bums Unite In recent years, I've spent more time at Wells Beach in Maine than any of the North Shore beaches. And that's no front to Front Beach in Rockport or Good Harbor in Gloucester, where I recently had a great beach day with my friend Andrea and her family. It's just that Wells has been my destination more often than not. So I did the responsible thing and supplemented my North Shore beach expertise with a bit of crowdsourcing. That's the one thing Facebook seems to be any good for nowadays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx2OiJDIhHM&pp=ygUcZ29vZCBoYXJib3IgYmVhY2ggZ2xvdWNlc3Rlcg%3D%3D Best North Shore Beaches: Making the List After close to 100 comments, I ended up with a pretty robust sampling of North Shore beaches. I've listed the alphabetically below, each of the 18 most-mentioned paired with a summer song. So you get a nice playlist with your beach list. Scroll through the beaches, vote for your favorite, then check out some more North Shore goodies. I have my favorite North Shore ice cream spots here, and a solid list of North Shore roast beef joints here. You know, for a post-beach nosh.

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