Earlier, we dug into the favorite Thanksgiving sides in Massachusetts. Now, it’s time to take one off the table.
As I’ve said before, I was never a big turkey guy growing up. Turkey is fine and all, but when I was sitting down at the table for Thanksgiving dinner, it was the side dishes I was waiting to dig into. And that table was full of delicious side dishes, courtesy of my Before logging of for holiday sabbatical, The Christmas Boy (pictured here with his Nana, c. 1977) would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
I’ll be offline but on-air here & there at @rock929rocks for the holidays. May the season bring you peace & joy in equal measure. pic.twitter.com/A7gZkfS82F
Every year, my Nana Jeanie would host my mom’s side of the family for Thanksgiving dinner. She’d be cooking up a storm in the kitchen, with assistance from my mom and my Auntie Colleen. After a midday appetizer of sherbet and cranberry juice, the serving platters and dishes would start hitting the table. And so would we.
The mountain of mashed potatoes was what I always had my eyes set on first. I’d slather them in butter, but not gravy. That was for the turkey. The carrots were always tasty, too. But not to my cousin Patrick. He hated carrots. The family resorted to calling them “M&M carrots” in order to get him to eat them. And that’s what we’re getting at for this week’s Thanksgiving-themed 12-Inch poll: what are the side dishes you absolutely hate?
Throw These Thanksgiving Sides In the Trash: 12-Inch Poll
Maybe it’s a Thanksgiving side you were forced to choke down at the kid’s table. Maybe it’s a food that has to be homemade and can never, ever come from a can or a jar. Scroll through my short list of side dishes, choose the one that you will not eat under any circumstances, and cast your vote. Maybe even send the link to your cousins or other family members and get them on board. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!