Arguably the best one-liners of any horror villain ever. And anyone who gives him a run for his money is just ripping him off anyway.

The greatest horror movie villains are creeping around this week’s 12-Inch Poll. Try not to get too scared, OK?


I’ve been a horror fan for as long as I remember. I blame the Creature Double Feature on WLVI-TV 56. Every Saturday afternoon when I was a kid, my mom would bring me and my brother to my Nana Jean’s house to visit. Of course, the “visit” was mainly my mom and her mom catching up in the kitchen while I was catching what was on TV. And thanks to my Uncle Michael, what was on TV was the Creature Double Feature: back-to-back horror movies on Channel 56.


Back in those days, the horror movies they’d broadcast usually fell into two camps. There were the black-and-white classics like Dracula, The Wolf Man, Them!, and the like. Then there were sci-fi flavored flicks like Phase IV, The War of the Gargantuas, and Squirm. The sci-fi ones were hit-or-miss. The classics were what I loved the most. So much so, that I’d spend hours pouring through the stacks at the Lucius Beebe Memorial Library in my hometown of Wakefield reading all I could read about vampires and monsters–both real-life and on the screen.


I still love those classics, but I’m leaving them on the shelf for this week’s Poll.


The Greatest Horror Movie Villains: Choose Your Killer

Usually, I’d give you a list of 12 (because I’m Adam 12), but this week it’s a list of 13 for the Poll. And these unlucky 13 are widely regarded as the scariest horror movie villains in all of cinema. They slice, they dice, they torture, they terrify. But you only get to choose one as the greatest. So take a look at the list, cast your vote, and sleep with the light on tonight.


Oh, and to clarify: you’re voting for the villain, not the film. I just pulled a movie poster for each one to jog your memory. And yes, I’m well aware of the fact that Jason isn’t the one doing the killing in the original Friday the 13th. Please do not focus on this. Just choose your villain and vote. Thank you.