Recently, I asked you about your favorite debut albums from Boston bands. You spoke, so now we put it all to a vote.
This is the 12-Inch Poll, my weekly exercise where we argue about things like what’s the best summer vacation spot in New England, or what’s the best summer music festival. I keep my Polls up indefinitely, so feel free to tap away at those links and cast your votes whenever you feel the urge. It’s more fun and productive than doomscrolling because you’ll actually be thinking and remembering. Fun!
This week’s Poll grew out of a little something I put together last week. It was an anniversary look-back at The Cars self-titled debut album. In the piece, I came to the realization that it might just be the second-best debut album ever released by a Boston band (next to Boston‘s debut album, of course). I then used that realization as a jumping-off point for a conversation with you.
Debut Albums from Boston Bands: Which One’s the Best?
Over on the ROCK 92.9 Facebook page, I asked: “What’s the greatest debut album by a Boston band?” And a fair number of you weighed in. Enough at least to put together a decent field of beloved Boston rock releases from over the years. You can scroll through the full list here (once you’ve liked the page, of course). And feel free to add yours pick if you don’t see it in the comments.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at the albums that made the cut. I wanted a good cross-section not only of Boston rock eras but of styles, so you’ll find a bit of everything here, from classic rock to hardcore to new wave to alternative rock. Scroll through, vote for your favorite, then pass it along to your Boston rock friends so they can do the same.