Boston Reacts to the Closure of Beloved Rock Club Great Scott
Since 1976, Great Scott has stood sentry at the corner of Comm. Ave. and Harvard Ave., presiding over the ebbs and flows of Boston’s rock scene.
As of Friday, May 1, the watch has ended for the club. General Manager Tim Philbin posted the following to Great Scott’s social media channels last Friday afternoon:
/photo/1Some news from our general manager Tim below. Ticket buyers will be receiving emails with further information.
— Great Scott (@GreatScottROCK) May 1, 2020
From there, the floodgates opened, with bands who played the club and fans who called the club a second home paying tribute.
From our very first show (ever) on 11/20/2005 to the I'm You release concert 11/19/2020, @GreatScottROCK *always* felt like home base.
— Ryan H. Walsh (@JahHills) May 1, 2020
— tape 🍉 (@tape) May 1, 2020
Long live Great Scott.
— Michael Hurley (@michaelFhurley) May 1, 2020
Of course, there’s already a petition circulating to save Great Scott. You can sign that here. And you can read up on the history of the club and the factors that led to this here.