These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

For starters, stop eating the raw cookie dough.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged consumers to stop eating raw cookie dough after a national salmonella outbreak hospitalized three people.

“Flour doesn’t look like a raw food, but most flour is raw,” the CDC cautioned in a report updated Thursday.

Raw, or unbaked, flour could be contaminated with salmonella germs. Which means that, after horking down the dough, you’re in for  fever, chills, vomiting, cramps and an upset stomach.

Meanwhile, Consumer Reports revealed the these 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You.

Well, let’s start with the basics. Have you ever opened your refrigerator and noticed that strange smell coming from the back? That’s the smell of death, my friend. All those forgotten leftovers and expired products are just waiting to take you down.

First up, we have the leftover Chinese food from two weeks ago. Sure, it was delicious at the time, but now it’s a breeding ground for bacteria. One bite and you’ll be spending the night on the toilet.

Next, we have the moldy cheese. It may look innocent enough, but that fuzzy green stuff is a killer. Taste it and you’ll be playing Russian roulette with your digestive system.

And don’t even get me started on the expired milk. That innocent-looking carton could be harboring all sorts of dangerous bacteria, just waiting to take you down. One sip and you’ll be praying for the sweet release of death.

And let’s not forget about the leftovers that have been in there so long they’ve turned into a science experiment. That’s not food, my friend. That’s a biohazard.

So, if you value your life, it’s best to approach your refrigerator with caution. One wrong move and you could be facing a deadly meal.

But hey, at least it’s a tasty way to go!

So these are the 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You!

  • 9. Cantaloupe

    Salmonella caused 302 illnesses last year. “For cantaloupes and other melons, problems seem to emerge most often when the fruits are cut into cubes or balls before selling.”

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

    MIAMI, FL – SEPTEMBER 29: Cantaloupes are displayed in a produce market on September 29, 2011 in Miami, Florida. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that cantaloupe from Jensen Farms of Holly, Colorado have the bacterium listeria and so far, the outbreak has sickened more than 70 people, and killed up to 16, in 18 states. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

  • 8. Peaches

    Justin Bieber might get his peaches down in Georgia, but he better wash them first. For peaches, the contamination appears to stem from animal feedlots, according to CR. I don’t even want to think about it.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

    Linvilla Orchards

  • 7. Papayas

    Oh, well,  this is good to know. According to Consumer Reports: “For papayas, the risk seems most acute with fruits imported from Mexico, reflecting the difficulty the FDA can have inspecting production outside the U.S.”

    Volcanic Cloud Causes Disruption To German Airports

     (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)

  • 6. Chicken

    Well this is a NOT SO FUN FACT: The USDA allows salmonella in up to 9.8 percent of whole chickens it tests at a processing plant, 15.4 percent of chicken parts, and 25 percent of ground chicken.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

    Fried Chicken! Do we need to say anymore?

  • 5. Turkey

    Salmonella is particularly widespread in chicken and turkey because defeathering them can spread the bacteria. Also, the crowded and filthy conditions are a breeding ground for disease.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

  • 4. Onions

    Onions will make you cry. Because you’re feel so sick from salmonella. In 2020 and 2021, onions sickened 2,167 people and hospitalized 427.  “When choosing onions, avoid those that are bruised, because bacteria can more likely enter damaged food,” Consumer Reports suggested.
    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You


  • 3. Ground beef

    That burger isn’t looking as appetizing as before. Ground beef has a greater risk of contamination than whole cuts of beef because ground beef comes from many animals and there and it’s more processed during grinding.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

    (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

  • 2. Deli Cheese and Meat

    Hold the hoagie! Listeria-laden deli meats are common, because listeria grows even in the cold temperatures of deli cases. And think about all the sliced meat and cheese is handled  Eww.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You

    (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

  • 1. Bagged salad

    Well, well, well. Looks like those leafy greens aren’t so good for you. In addition to a lot of iron and vitamin K, that bagged spinach might be packed with e. coli and listeria. 4 millions cases were recalled last year and 11 people died.

    These 9 Everyday Foods in Your Refrigerator Are Trying to Kill You