These Four Habits Might Be Burning You Out
These Four habits might be burning you out. If you feel tired all the time, it might be because you’re doing some of these four things . . .
If you’re feeling stressed out these days (who doesn’t?) you might want to think about these four habits that might be burning you out. They are things that you could easily fix if you really want to give these solutions a try.
1. Waiting too long between meals.
In general, you shouldn’t go more than five or six waking hours without eating. When you go longer than that, the body will start craving food . . . and you’re more likely to eat quick, processed carbs. Of course, if you wait till you are starving to eat something than it will be harder to stop eating once you begin. Don’t over snack, but it’s okay to have a small healthy snack that will stave of the hunger beast within.
2. Working at a messy desk.
Working in a cluttered area is distracting for your brain. Which means tasks take longer to complete, and require you to use up more mental focus and energy. Spending your workday in a non-cluttered environment is essential. You just feel better when your workspace is organized and well kept. If you look around the office and see a desk space that is a disaster you know the person using it must be a little disorganized as well. Plus, it’s just a bad look for anyone who wants to advance.
3. Having too many tabs open.
Like a messy desk, having 20-plus tabs open on your computer puts your brain into overdrive and increases the chance that you’ll be distracted. Most of us are guilty of this if we are multi-tasking. The more tabs and windows you have open, the more time it will take you to find the one you are looking for. Take a minute and close out the tabs that you are no longer in need of. Being organized and less stressed is just a mouse click away.
4. Watching emotionally-charged television shows.
Binge watching shows that are emotionally charged can be overstimulating. And it doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative emotions . . . they both can lead to mental fatigue, difficulty focusing, and poor energy levels. Do you find yourself constantly watching shows that are stressful? Maybe you are a fan of the ever popular “murder mysteries”. Remember, even Keith Morrison of Dateline takes a break once in a while.