We ALL use Google Search, right? Not gonna lie. I LOVE year end recaps and reviews. So when I found the TOP Boston Google Search 2022, I grabbed my Au Bon Pain croissant sandwich and went to Google search heaven.
What would we do without Google? How did we live without it? It’s so easy to find info FAST, using out smart phone voice search. I mean how many times a day do we hear: Google, what’s the weather? Google, what’s Wordle? Google who is Pete Davidson dating at this exact moment?
When I saw the list, I caught myself saying: what? That was LAST YEAR?
Ok, enough examples! What did we search for last year? I promise, when you see the search you may say: OMG, that was me. Gas near me, pizza near me, weed….ah….that’s not me. Not judging.
Direct from Google, let’s take a look at the TOP Boston Google Search 2022!