(Photo by Michael Tullberg/Getty Images)

With the holiday right around the corner, it’s time to take a look at the favorite Thanksgiving sides in Massachusetts.


Growing up, I was never a big turkey guy. Turkey is fine and all, but when I was sitting down at the table for Thanksgiving dinner, it was the side dishes I was waiting to dig into. And that table was a wonderful place to be growing up.


Every year, my Nana Jeanie would host my mom’s side of the family for Thanksgiving dinner. She’d be cooking up a storm in the kitchen, with assistance from my mom and my Auntie Colleen while my dad and my Uncle Danny, Uncle Michael, and Papa Eddie would be taking in whatever football game happened to be on TV. It was usually the Packers and Lions, right? A typical Thanksgiving in the Commonwealth, probably much like yours.


Then we’d sit down to the meal. The mountain of mashed potatoes was what I always had my eyes set on first. I’d slather them in butter, but not gravy. That was for the turkey. The carrots were always tasty, too. And they were sliced and glazed in such a way that, in order to get my little cousin Patrick to eat them, we’d all call them “M&M carrots.” He bought into it. He was a good kid that way.


Favorite Thanksgiving Sides in Massachusetts

OK, enough of my reminiscing. Let’s dig into the the meal, er, list, courtesy of BetMassachusetts. Their piece breaks down the top 5 Thanksgiving side dishes in the Bay State. I’ve taken things a step further and, for each Thanksgiving side, dug up a classic TV commercial.


So grab your serving spoon and your plate and help yourself to some sides. And when you’re done, flip the script and vote in my 12-Inch Poll about about the worst Thanksgiving sides.

  • 5) Cranberry Sauce

    If it’s not from the can, keep it off of my plate.

  • 4) Green Bean Casserole

    At No. 4? That’s a surprise.

  • 3) Macaroni & Cheese

    But is it macaroni and cheese? Or cheese and macaroni?

  • 2) Mashed potatoes

    You serving Deb this Thanksgiving?

  • 1) Stuffing

    Stove Top? On Thanksgiving? Not on my Nana’s table.

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