TSA Agent Busted For Making Up a Cover for Being Late to Work
A Transportation Security Administration office employee out of the Tampa airport is in some hot water after showing up late to work.
Now being late is NOT the main issue, it was the excuse that she made up for being late. Taleta Collier claimed she was late to work because a knife-wielding man tried to burglarize her parents’ vehicle. Collier has been in some trouble at the TSA for showing up late for work in the past so her supervisor asked for the police report.
Collier tried to submit a texted version of a police report initially and then her supervisor asked for an actual print out. She was never able to produce an actual report and a little bit of investigation proved that the image she text messaged was forged.
The name and number of the officer was looked into and her parents had no idea what investigators were talking about when they asked about the vehicle break-in.
She arrested on charges of criminal use of a personal ID and uttering a false document.
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