Don’t we all want to be considered ‘good drivers?’ Becoming a driver is such a milestone moment in your life. That drivers test is such a tense experience. Alone in the car with a person whose job is to judge you. Fun times.
I think we have a certain sense of pride when it comes to our driving, especially collectively as we begin grouping people by their geographic borders. It would sting a little if you found out your town was deemed worst drivers in the state, wouldn’t it? Or would you wear it as a badge of pride?
I was very surprised to come across a study that pulled no punches and listed off Massachusetts Best and Worst Driving Cities. analyzed over 45,000 insurance quotes from Massachusetts drivers in 2018 and ranked cities by the highest rate of incidents. Incidents as defined by QuoteWizard include accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs, and citations. The info is slightly dated but I was ready (though a little nervous) to see where my town landed on the list. I hope my driving skills didn’t sink us!
So let’s see how everything shook out. First gently golf clap while scrolling (which sounds difficult) as I present to you the Top 10 Best Driving Cities in Massachusetts. Then stay for the main event: *gulp* The 10 WORST Driving Cities in Massachusetts.
Enjoy the countdowns. Oh and don’t blame me I’m just the messenger. Please stick around afterwards for the free hot and cold buffet. Just kidding that doesn’t exist. I hope your home city wins.