(Photo by Billie Weiss/Getty Images)

Finally, something we can brag about! Boston placed in the Top 10 in a study of cities with the youngest looking people.


Look, we needed a win. Recently, I learned that Massachusetts made a pretty dubious Top 10 of the Most Impolite States. As I said in the piece where I recapped that study, I suppose it comes as no surprise that the Commonwealth didn’t do so hot when it comes to high marks for politeness. We are, after all, a hot bed for road rage. And it’s not like the term “Masshole” was coined on a whim. We wear that slang term like a badge, so it makes sense that we’re not thought of as paragons of politeness.


This Top 10 placing, however, is much more palatable. It comes from LaserAway, in a study called The U.S. Cities With The Youngest Looking People. This one has a little more science in it, as opposed to the study I wrote about above that just indexed a whole bunch of Google searches. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you. That’s data science, baby! And we all love data science. But when you’re figuring out which city has the youngest-looking denizens, you gotta get into science science.


Boston is a Top 10 City for the Youngest Looking People

So what factors made it into the grand equation? Seven total factors were analyzed, including binge drinking, obesity, levels of physical activity, and stress. You know, stuff that ages a body (and a face) prematurely. Turns out Boston does a pretty good job on keeping smoking, drinking, and obesity in check. Again, the full study is here if you want to do your own deep-dive. But if you keep scrolling, you can see where exactly Boston landed in the Top 10 and what other cities round out the list.

  • 8T) Albuquerque, NM

    I lived there for almost three years and I can concur: plenty of young, attractive-looking folks.

  • 8T) Minneapolis, MN

    I can vouch for this, too: I know a few of the young (lookin’) ‘uns who own and operate Racket.

  • 8T) Raleigh, NC

    Home of the eternally youthful Connells.

  • 6T) Boston, MA

    Turns out that Dirty Water is actually a Fountain of Youth.

  • 6T) Colorado Springs, CO

    It’s gotta be that cold, crisp mountain air.

  • 5) Denver, CO

    Again, the mountain air. And I can confirm this one personally, too: I lived a state away, travelled there frequently, and Denverites are a youthful, good-looking lot.

  • 4) Oakland, CA

    It’s the whistle tips. They wake you up nice and early, you get a run and a workout in, you look and feel great.

  • 3) Seattle, WA

    Have you seen the fellas from Pearl Jam lately? They do NOT look their age.

  • 2) San Jose, CA

    Are you seeing the theme here? If it’s a great city to spend time outdoors in–especially year-round–it’s getting high marks.

  • 1) San Francisco, CA

    A Bay Area hat trick in the Top 5. Impressive.