Fun fact: this ROCK 92.9 mural sits outside what was the Magic 106.7 Studio when Greater Media owned the building. They were supposed to move ROCK 92.9 into this studio (hence, the mural), but plans were scrapped. I almost got to use the same board as David Alan Boucher from Bedtime Magic!

Radio behind the scenes can be interesting. That’s what I’m hoping to capture with this walk through our old studios.


If you’re a regular ROCK 92.9 listener (and I’m guessing you are, if you’re reading this), you’ve likely heard that we’ve moved. Both Hardy and myself have talked a blue streak about leaving our studios in Dorchester for greener pastures in Waltham. That move has now taken place. We’re in our new radio home, and once we’re settled in, we’ll give you a look at that. But first, a look back at our old studio and building.


The Beasley Boston building was located at 55 Morrissey Blvd. in Dorchester. We were two doors down from the old Boston Globe building, across the street from Boston College High School, and right down the road from UMass Boston. A fine area, but if you’re familiar with the neighborhood, there’s not a lot going on. You had to hop in your car and do a bit of driving to get to the good Dorchester spots like The Banshee or Ashmont Grill or Dorchester Brewing Company. Or cruise down to Castle Island for a hot dog at Sullivan’s. Wow, it’s just hitting me that I’m going to miss that.


Radio behind the scenes: Ye Olde ROCK 92.9 Studios

So yeah, we were pretty much on our own island at 55 Morrissey Blvd. Which certainly fostered a certain brand of creativity and made for some interesting moments. My last day in the old building was last Friday, so I took my 13-yr-old into work with me, got my final show from those studios taken care of, and then did a walk through, one last time. Check out the photos below, complete with a cameo appearance from a star that’s played pretty regularly on one of our sister stations. And don’t worry: we’ll be back to Dorchester to visit from time to time, I’m sure. The Banshee is forever calling me, with a cold pint waiting…