How I Spent My Summer Vacation, a photo essay by Adam 12.

I just got back from summer vacation with my family and all I have to show for it are these lousy pictures. Enjoy!


If you’re of a certain age, you might remember having to write an essay or theme titled “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” each September once you were back in school. I certainly remember! It’s in that spirit that I’ve created this photo essay. It’s not for school credit; it’s just for you. Aren’t you lucky?


Every since I was a kid, my family and I have spent a week in Wells Beach in Maine every summer. This was actually the subject of a recent 12 Inch Poll: we’re North Shore folks, so we vacation in Maine. You can keep the Cape. Wells Beach has been the home of some of my fondest memories over the years. Body surfing with my brother and my dad on Crescent Beach. Pizza boarding with my friends as the tide rolls out. Walking the jetty with my kids. Watching the sunset over the Webhannet River marshes. The Beachcomber, Boardwalk Arcade, Billy’s, Congdon’s Donuts…so many traditions.


How I Spent My Summer Vacation

The 12 clan made our annual pilgrimage to Wells Beach in early August this year. We stayed in a different beach house than we usually do, but we were still right on the Webhannet River marshes, so watching the sun set was still how we capped off each day. I captured some of the better ones; you can see those below. In fact, let’s just get to the photos. If I spend too much time and too many words laying it all out up here, it takes away from the actual pictures. This is a photo essay, after all. So scroll through and enjoy some moments from my week at Wells Beach…and beyond.