Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Says New Album is Inspired by Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’

10 Celebrities That Identify As Pansexual

Jennifer Lawrence Addresses Liam/Miley Cheating Rumor

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Dolly Parton And Miley Cyrus Team Up For New Year’s Eve Celebration

Jerry Lee Lewis Dies & 4 Other Stories TMZ Got Wrong

Miley Cyrus Shares Voice Mail from Taylor Hawkins Telling Her to Cover Def Leppard

Foo Fighters Unveil Performers for Taylor Hawkins Tribute Shows

Miley Cyrus’ Parents, Billy Ray Cyrus And Tish, Are Getting Divorced

Taylor Hawkins: Live Performance Tributes from Slash, Elton John, Joan Jett & More

50 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Are LGTBQ+

Lars Ulrich Asks Miley Cyrus What Drew Her to Metallica’s ‘Nothing Else Matters’

Miley Cyrus Shares Her Cover of Metallica’s ‘Nothing Else Matters’

Miley Cyrus Says Elton John Featured on Metallica Covers Album Project

POLL: Best Livestreamed Classic Rock Music Moment of 2020

The Top-Selling Rock Album in the U.S. is by Miley Cyrus

This Metal Icon is Excited to Hear Miley Cyrus’ Metallica Covers Album

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VIDEO: Miley Cyrus Covers Pearl Jam’s ‘Just Breathe’

Miley Cyrus Says She’s Working on a Metallica Covers Album

Billy Idol Confirmed to Appear on New Miley Cyrus Album

VIDEO: Miley Cyrus Covers the Beatles ‘Help’ in Empty Rose Bowl

VIDEO: Miley Cyrus Covers Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’ on ‘SNL’

Miley Cyrus Covers Led Zeppelin, Metallica, NIN at Glastonbury

Miley Cyrus Character Sings Reworked Nine Inch Nails Songs on ‘Black Mirror’