(Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

Pickleball in Massachusetts is bigger than it is in any other state, if a new report is to be believed. And Boston is helping lead the pack.


The pickleball phenomenon certainly isn’t anything new. This time last year, Dave & Chuck the Freak reported on the fact that nude pickleball was rising in popularity. The story got such a reaction out of everyone on the show that it made Peep Show status. And the nice sport also has a celebrity following, so much so that there’s even pickleball coming to Fenway Park later this summer.


It seems everyone these days has something to say about the intramural sport. The gang at Solitaire Bliss certainly does. To sort out which states and cities are the most obsessed with this pickleball, they gathered up search volume data for a dozen top pickleball-related keywords. And here’s what they ended up with: a report titled The States Most Obsessed with Pickleball.


Pickleball in Massachusetts: The State is Obsessed With the Sport

Let’s take a look at a few of the key findings, as seen through the Bay State filter:

  • Massachusetts ranks #1 as the state most obsessed with pickleball.

  • Massachusetts ranks #5 in states most excited to learn how to play pickleball.

  • Boston is the #11 most pickleball-obsessed city in America.


In other words, you’re not hallucinating. If it seems like there’s now a pickleball court in every park you pass, it probably is. Or if you think you’re seeing more people humping pickleball gear, all decked out and ready to paddle, you probably are. If you’re interested in seeing what other cities are being taken over by the pickleball movement, check out the full study here. If you’d like to see the rest of the states that make up the pickleball Top 10, put down your paddle and keep scrolling.