(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Classic 7-Eleven snacks are on my mind on the day after 7/11. So I decided to make a 12-Inch Poll and get you involved.


As I write this, yesterday it was 7/11 again. And while I didn’t get to my local 7-Eleven in time to take advantage of the free small Slurpee promotion they trot out every year on the 11th day of July, I did put this together. It’s a short-list of some of my all-time favorite 7-Eleven items. Since I was reminiscing about the classics, I figured I might as well see if you love them as much as I do.


I’ll be honest: I didn’t grow up on 7-Eleven. It wasn’t until I was in high school and had a driver’s license that I was able to schlep over to my town’s location. Even though I had an annual 4th of July visit to that 7-Eleven (it was near my Great Aunt’s house), I don’t think I even tasted a Slurpee until I was a teenager. I was a Slush Puppie kid. Until that first Slurpee. I was transformed.


There’s something singular about the Slurpee: often imitated, never duplicated, as they say. You can make a frozen Coke at home, but that’s not the same. And you can grab an ICEE at your local movie theatre, but it pales in comparison to a Slurpee. It’s like that for a bunch of 7-Eleven’s items. You can get similar goodies elsewhere, but never seems to measure up.


Classic 7-Eleven Snacks: Pick Your Favorite

For you, a selection of 7-Eleven snacks below. And yes, I’m counting Slurpees and Big Gulps as snacks. Complain all you want about that designation, but if I were to leave those off the list? I’d never hear the end of it. Scroll through, cast your vote, and make mine a Classic Coke Slurpee, please.

  • Big Gulp

    “But it’s a drink, not a snack!” The original Big Gulp was 32 oz. And you can get a 64 oz. Double Big Gulp. That’s a snack’s worth of calories, at least.

  • Big Bite

    It’s a big hot dog, you see. So, theoretically, every bit you take is a big bite. You see?

  • Burritos

    Look, back in the day, popping a frozen burrito into a microwave at your local 7-Eleven? It was REVOLUTIONARY.

  • Chicken Nuggets

    7-Eleven also carries chicken wings, but since 7-11 snacks are mostly for on-the-go consumption, I’m going nuggs here. Bonus: in Japan, you can get ’em cheesy!

  • Mini Tacos

    For when you’re not in the mood for taquitos. Or there are not taquitos on the roller.

  • Pizza

    Yes, 7-Eleven sold (and sells) pizza by the slice. Yes, a young Jeremy Renner once helped them sell it.

  • Nachos

    Speaking of self-service, check out my man here just loading up the plate at his local. That’s the way to do it.

  • Sausage & Biscuit Sandwich

    7-Eleven coming through in the clutch with the breakfast items. This one might very well be their best.

  • Slurpee

    The one. The only. The Slurpee. Yes, I know it’s a drink. But it’s a Slurpee. So it’s also a snack.

  • Taquitos

    I can remember when these first debuted. I was making regular visits to 7-Eleven. These became a regular snack time tradition for me for awhile.

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