A half-century is a long, long time. Especially in rock years. For the Get Your Wings Anniversary, some renewed Aerosmith appreciation.


I have a complicated history with Aerosmith. I grew up north of Boston, so it stands to reason I should be a fan, right? They’re my big, hometown rock band, baby! Sadly, it’s not that simple. My parents were rockers; they still are. And they loved Aerosmith. They’d play their records all the time. And for whatever reason, those records were some of the ones I just didn’t like as a kid.


Flash-forward to middle school. It’s Christmas, 1989. My Auntie Carol and Uncle Kenny gifted me two pretty important cassette tapes: The Cure‘s Disintegration and Aerosmith’s Pump. Those were two of the stand-out albums of ’89. I dove head-first into Disintegration and it changed my young musical life. When I finally got around to Pump, I thought it was…fine.


Get Your Wings Anniversary: Aerosmith’s Underrated Second Album

And that’s been my prevailing take on Boston’s Bad Boys over the years: they’re fine. But recently, that take has evolved. Last year, when I wrote about Aerosmith’s debut at 50, I wrote about how much stronger the album was then I remembered it being. It’s almost as if my young, shitty, teenaged self was–wait for it–wrong about something! But that’s impossible! Teenagers know everything!


I had a similar experience when going back to Get Your Wings 50 years on. This is a damn good, mid-’70s rock album. It yielded three singles, none of which charted. Hence the “underrated” tag. A few of those songs are among the band’s best. I’ve highlighted them below so you can check them out again. Because, again, a half-century is a long time. And it’s always a good time to put a fresh perspective on some good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll.

  • "Same Old Song and Dance"

    As sophomore album-openers go, this one’s strong as hell. It’s a great song, first of all. And second, it does a great job of capturing what the band was all about at that time. It’s also the album’s lead single.

  • "Train Kept A Rollin'"

    Aerosmith is a rock band. But Aerosmith is also a blues band. They forgot about that for awhile in the ’90s. But going back to these early albums and singles is a fine reminder of how strong they are when they’re leaning into the blues.

  • "Seasons of Wither"

    This one’s for my mom. She’s been an Aerosmith fan from the jump, through and through. And this is one of her favorite songs by the band. Love you, mom.