Football Sunday is a beloved day for people all across the world. Especially if you have a team that gives you something to root for. (Sorry Lions fans.) The game has certainly evolved over the years and now with social media, there are moments at every game on and off the field that go viral immediately.
Take last years tablet-gate with Tom Brady. He did it again this year, but no one blinked an eye. It’s like we get it Tom, you can’t handle incompetency on the field and your marriage is a mess. But you threw a tablet last year. You should have punted one of those 5 gallon Gatorade jugs this time around but I digress.
This year, the New York Giants took on the Green Bay Packers in London. Both teams sat at 3-1 heading into the competition and Green Bay was favored to win. Although I took Aaron Rodgers and his terrible haircut to take home the W, I am NOT mad they didn’t. That being said, the upset isn’t what people have been talking about. Here are three viral moments from yesterday’s game in London that have me looking forward to next football Sunday (even though yes, I am a sad Lions fan.)