Dating an Idiot
When Did You Realize You Were Dating an Idiot
We hope you had a nice Christmas. Here’s a present from us. A collection of people sharing what happened to make them realize they were dating an idiot. Maybe something happened last night at your Christmas gatherings to make you feel the same way. Well, if that is you, then share in the laughs with us over some of our listeners examples.
Do you know what lady fingers are? One of our listener’s boyfriends does not. We hope that the text was a joke, or an exaggeration. But, we assume it’s not. One of our listeners texted us saying that her boyfriend was in a restaurant and thought the ‘”lady fingers” they were serving in the tiramisu, were actually human female fingers. Could you continue dating someone who honestly thought the restaurant was serving lady fingers? Or who didn’t realize that lady fingers were a dessert? If you didn’t know what lady fingers were, then follow that link!
Something unrelated becomes really funny during this segment. Andy seems to give the women idiots a break. With each one, seemingly more idiotic, he gives them a pass. He basically says that as long as she’s hot enough, he’d just bite the bullet on the stupid comments. Pretty gracious of him, wouldn’t you say?
Which one do you think is the most idiotic? Which one is the most forgivable? Do you have an example yourself of something that made you realize you were with an idiot. My wife definitely thinks she has a few examples that could make it onto the show… but, that’s just marriage, right?
Catch up on some Peep Show from the past year!