Should Dave Sue Hot Pockets?
Should Dave Dig Up The Old Case Against Hot Pockets?
If you’re new to the show then you wouldn’t be aware of the grudge we have against Hot Pockets. About 10 years ago, Dave came up with an ad campaign for Hot Pockets, which they ended up using, but didn’t compensate him for the intellectual property. Should he sue them now after all these years?
We started with a news story about a store clerk in Boston who was assaulted by a Hot Pocket. Boston 25 News reports, a store clerk in Dorchester was assaulted by a man who became irate after being asked for his identification to purchase tobacco. The store clerk was struck by a frozen Hot Pocket. The store clerk ended up being okay.
But, we cannot discuss Hot Pockets on this show without talking about the nightmare Dave experienced years ago. He had an idea for a Hot Pocket jingle which was based off the ‘Foreigner’ song, ‘Hot Blooded’. Eventually, the jingle was made, and aired internationally through a series of commercials. However, Dave was never compensated and only offered their product in return. He declined their frozen pizza pocket offer and never received anything else before the company used his idea.
So, for a while he debated suing Hot Pockets and ultimately ended up not doing anything. But after talking about it today, realizes that maybe he should open the folder he has and sue them. At the end of the day, they used his intellectual property and did not pay him anything. Lawyers told him years ago that he had a pretty cut and dry case.
Should Dave sue Hot Pockets and finally get what he deserves for coming up with their jingle? We do remember that their ad campaign wasn’t very successful, but regardless he should receive something for coming up with an idea that they used internationally.