Indian Freddie Mercury
We Found Out Today That Freddie Mercury Was Indian
We can’t be the only ones who were unaware that Freddie Mercury was Indian. Can we?
During a classic game of ‘What’s Up His Butt?’ we tried to figure out what mystery 18-inch item was stuck inside of an Indian man’s backside. There were many guesses and a few clues. The hint that he was a farmer was all it took for Lisa and Andy to collective solve the game today. It was something known as a bottle gourd.
While looking at the picture from the 2-hour marathon surgery, we noticed one of the doctor’s looked very similar to Freddie Mercury, of the extremely famous rock group ‘Queen’. This then launched us on a search to find someone online of Indian descent performing a Freddie Mercury song. We did.
What we were unaware of is that the idea of an Indian Freddie Mercury isn’t that crazy because…Freddie Mercury was actually Indian. Research showed us that he very rarely discussed his ethnic background and even though one of us has seen the ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ movie, that knowledge nugget was lost.
So, our listeners are never slow to correct us when we’re off the mark, and they didn’t disappoint during this segment. Text after text flew in calling us “idiots”, feverishly trying to inform us that Indian Freddie Mercury wasn’t a novel idea. We were all shocked. Maybe as shocked as the doctors who had to operate on the man with an 18-inch gourd inside of his rectum. And just like that, we all learned something new today.
Start with a game of ‘What’s Up His Butt?’ and end up in a completely unrelated conversation, learning about Freddie Mercury’s ethnic background. What more would you expect out of a segment of Dave and Chuck the Freak.
You can see the full story about the original bottle gourd here at the Daily Mail.