Credit Card Skimmer Found at Chelsea Market Basket
Another Market Basket in Massachusetts has been hit with a credit card skimmer scam. This time, it’s the Market Basket located on Everett Avenue in Chelsea. Police were alerted to the issue on Tuesday and posted on social media: “We have the device and are working with Market Basket as well as our regional partners to see if the devices are related to other incidents.”
Credit card skimming is become quite the popular thing for thieves to do. In recent weeks, credit card skimmers have been found at Market Baskets in Reading, Somerville and Haverhill, Massachusetts. The good news is, according to a statement from Market Basket executives, they have yet to find out if anyone has been comprised from any of these recent incidents. According to their statement: “It is important to note that we have not received information that any customer data has been compromised in (the Chelsea case) or the prior incident.”
If you’re looking at how you can protect yourself from these types of incidents, you can follow these important safety guidelines: Do NO use a machine that looks crooked or damaged. Make sure the numbers on the keypad are easy to push and not hard. Always cover your hand up when entering your pin to make sure no camera is recording you. Use alternate methods of payment like cash or Apple Pay when you can. Make sure you use machines that are in public view and security is present.