A Turkey Is Limping His Way to Fame in This Local Town
Massachusetts might be home to celebrities like Matt Damon, Barbara Walters, Mark Wahlburg and Amy Poehler, but Reading, Massachusetts has found it’s own celebrity, a limping turkey, who has made himself a home in the town’s common. His name? Limpy, of course.
Limpy the Town Turkey, who can be spotted limping around downtown Reading, quickly stole hearts of residents and has become the talk of the town. Limpy even has his own Facebook page, which is about to crack 2,000 followers in less than one week.
Don’t let his limp fool you, this turkey has more balls than Dave & Chuck combined. He’ll spend his days pecking at your tires and has been known to have standoffs with busses and mail trucks. But his favorite, is where no bird has gone before, the Reading Police Department. He’s been spotted chasing RPD vehicles at dawn and assisting in traffic violations at dusk. Reading Police Department may have just found it’s newest patrol officer.
Limpy has caused quite the buzz and traffic in this North Shore community, but drivers don’t seem to mind. In fact, residents have come together to support the bird, rallying for his protection with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Local restaurants have taken a stand and are encouraging patrons to eat more beef in support of Limpy.
They say it takes a tragedy to bring a community together, but residents of Reading are proving that to be untrue. Sometimes, it just takes a bird. T-shirts and magnets are being created and proceeds will benefit local charities. To follow Limpy on his daily journey check out his Facebook page, Limpy the Town Turkey. If you’re driving through Reading, beware. You certainly don’t want to be “THAT” poor person who puts Limpy on someone’s Thanksgiving dinner table.