Happy 420 Day! The unofficial holiday is to celebrate and indulge in marijuana. But if we’re really going to celebrate and appreciate weed, we should know a little more about the day, and the “product.”
How did 420 Day start?
Apparently, like a good high, it’s unclear. There are a lot of myths and speculation, but most of the reports haven’t been verified. One thing that a lot of people seem to agree on is that it can be traced to the 70s when a group of 5 students at San Rafael High School in Marin County, California began meeting at 4:20pm to smoke weed. I guess the students decided to get together at 4:20pm because at that time, extracurricular activities were over. The five students called themselves “The Waldos” because they would sit against a wall and smoke.
How we celebrating?
There are a lot of things going on in the Boston area to celebrate. Here are just a few you can check out.
4/20 ExtravaGanja II featuring local comedians, musical artists, free legal support, and access to employment opportunities.
Glaze and Blaze – A 21+ Event! Glaze Your Own Bowl or Pipe and Learn Cannabis Basics
Stoner Trivia Night – How much do you know about cannabis? From movie references to science topics, legal matters to gardening tactics. To be blunt, we’ve got high expectations for this trivia night.
Get a lot more 420- events HERE.
Now onto the fun facts about marijuana. I will say up front, I don’t indulge and know pretty much nothing about weed. So some of these things you may already know if you are someone who does indulge. Either way, hope you learn something new and entertaining.