Boston Music Greats Remind Us to ‘Stay Home’
It’s Patriots’ Day, but not Marathon Monday–that’s been moved to September. So we won’t be out and about like we usually would be. And that’s OK.
It’s still super important that we stay home and help flatten the curve to help slow the spread of Coronavirus. Mayor Marty Walsh and the City of Boston have enlisted some well-known Boston rockers to help spread this stay-home gospel. So instead of walking the Marathon route this year and star-spotting, just scroll down for some star power. And stay home!
Dicky Barrett of @mmbosstones and @JimmyKimmelLive knows the importance of #StayingAtHome and wants us all to be safe. #StayHomeStaySafe
— Mayor Marty Walsh (@marty_walsh) April 6, 2020
Grammy-nominated @TanyaDonelly of @throwingmuses, @thebreeders and #bellythebands sang "My return to wildlife by satellite," a line from her album BeautySleep that is reminiscent of our world today, connected socially by technology. #Boston, please #StayHome and #FlattenTheCurve.
— City of Boston (@CityOfBoston) April 14, 2020
/video/1Roger Miller of @burmaboston has a song for you. #StayAtHome #FlattenTheCurve
— Mayor Marty Walsh (@marty_walsh) April 9, 2020