I lived in Chicago, Philly and Hartford. Yet, I’m back home to Boston. I always come back to Massachusetts. Where are Massachusetts BEST cities to live in?

The Right City

Where do we start? We need the right schools. Is our place near our doctor? How close is the vet? What about the supermarket? There are one hundred questions that come into play. One year ago, we found our dream house in metro west. We loved it SO much, we turned the other cheek, that it’s RIGHT near a high school. Oddly, the bus schedule has had NO affect on us. Add to that, being a school, local police are always around. It feels TOTALLY safe.

Our search for the right home, in the right town, took WELL over a year. We looked at, at least twenty homes. While some homes, checked off a lot of the boxes, NON of them felt like like our house.  My advice is this: never give up. Add to that, WAIT until you FEEL like the city and the home you’re looking at FEELS like YOUR HOME. We have been living in our new home for exactly one year. Each day feels like it’s the first day. Exciting and just right.

The Stats

According to a new study:

The post-pandemic scenario enabled millions to work remotely for the first time ever causing a once in a generation reshuffling of how Americans work and where they choose to live. To determine which cities are adapting better to serve this new remote world, Scholaroo, a finance website, conducted an in-depth analysis. 

Based on the analysis of 47 metrics organized into 8 key indicators of satisfaction and happiness — Crime & Safety, Affordability, Economy, Quality of Life, Healthcare, Education, Employment, and Infrastructure— Massachusetts has 1 of the 10 best cities to live in. 

Did you see that, Massachusetts has one of the TEN best IN THE COUNTRY! Number 1 is considered the BEST, 150, the worst.

So, let’s go find that city!