The other day my daughter and I were talking about what our last meals would be if we could choose. (I know, a real positive father/daughter convo, huh?) We both decided that some good Italian is on our short lists. My love for Italian food is one of the reasons I never considered moving to or near Boston’s North End. I love chicken parmesan too much. I fear what I’d look like after living there for six months of tiramisu for breakfast (because I would!).
Now that you know my blood type is marinara, you can imagine how excited I was when I came across Tasting Table’s 2023 list of the 20 Best Italian Restaurants in the U.S. I was even more excited when I got that jolt of hometown pride when I saw that one of the 20 best in the country was right here in the good ol’ Bay State.
There are currently over 60,000 Italian restaurants in the US, so being one of the Top 20 is a humongous accomplishment! And can we stop and drop our jaws in awe of that number? Over 60,000 Italian restaurants in America? That’s over 1,200 per state!! Holy connoli!!
So grab your fork and your pasta twirler spoon and let’s get to it – I’ll give you some Massachusetts honorable mentions, these are some Italian restaurants you should definitely check out if you haven’t already. We’ll finish up with our Italian Restaurant Golden Child of Massachusetts (and I’ll see you there this weekend – we’ll be the ones there at 4pm to beat the rush, it’s how we roll).