When was the last time you went to your local library?
Almost every town has a public library, some bigger and better than others but all of them are usually worth checking out. I love a great library, there’s something so peaceful and quiet about them. People sitting and reading or perusing the shelves for a book, while others might be using the computers for research for a paper or whatever.
These days libraries are not as busy as back before the internet and Kindles and E-books, but there is something about reading an old fashioned book with paper pages. The sense of accomplishment I get from finishing a book cover to cover is like no other.
I try to read at least a half dozen books a year, which is about half what I used to read before the internet.
People are not checking out as many books these days but that doesn’t mean you should avoid the library, we need them and they need us. Where else can you go to find that kind of atmosphere? Rich leather bound books, rows and rows of well organized tomes, and hundreds of videos and books on tape to rent, comfy furniture and of course the politeness of people that are whispering and never loud (or else the kindly librarian will shhhh you!)
Expert were asked to rank the Top Five Libraries in the US and all Bay State citizens should be very proud of the results!