What Did A Guy Send His Boss When He Asked For Proof He Was Sick?
What did a guy send his boss when he asked for proof he was sick? Well, you have to be careful what you ask for! You just might get it!
This news report out of South Africa is now going viral online. In the video, the news anchor can’t hold back his laughter as he shares the story of a man who requested work off as he dealt with a “tummy bug.” It sounds like the boss might have been a little suspicious so he asked for proof. Then, proof is what he got.
What Did A Guy Send His Boss When He Asked For Proof He Was Sick?
The news report, that’s going viral on Reddit, had screenshots that seem to be the conversation between the ill man and his boss. In the screenshot, the boss asks for proof that he was sick. So, the man simply sent a photo of his bloated tummy. It was a “tummy bug” after all, what’s the boss expect a picture of what’s in his toilet?
Then, the boss doesn’t seem happy with the photo he was sent and requested proof again. So, the ill employee sent emojis of poop to let him know what the problem was. However, that still wasn’t enough saying, “Stop fooling around, I need proof of your absence ASAP!!!” That’s when the man finally sends a photo that’s blurred out in the report, but you can tell that it’s a toilet filled with brown liquid. Even though it’s blurred, you can tell that he is definitely sick. The boss certainly got what he was after, but was it even necessary in the first place? Did he want to see pictures or a video of poop? How else is he supposed to prove it? Check out the video going viral on Reddit and the proof he was sick below! I love how the anchor can’t stop himself from laughing. He can barely finish the report!
You can’t help but feel for the sick employee here! Shouldn’t there be a little privacy as you’re going through an illness? Unfortunately, I feel like many of us have probably gone through a similar situation at work. You’re sick, you can’t make it in, but your boss still isn’t being understanding. They’ll probe and ask questions and basically challenge that you’re actually feeling sick. Sure, some people will fake sick to get a day off. However, most of the time, when people request a sick day–they’re actually sick and requesting proof or questioning them is totally unnecessary and rude. Not to mention an invasion of privacy.
There have been places I’ve worked where I was scared or nervous any time I had to take a sick day because I knew my boss wasn’t going to believe me. I had given no reason to not be believed, but it’s still a stressful situation. I don’t know if I could bring myself to send a picture of my diarrhea no matter how sick I felt or needed to prove it. That’s nasty.