8 Ways to Keep Cool This Summer
It my be tempting to crank up the air conditioner at times this summer, but there are plenty of ways to keep cool while keeping your electric bill in check during these warm 80 & 90 degree days in June, July, and August.
We’ve got just a few ideas below.
Let The Night Air In
ShareTemperatures go down at night, take advantage of cooler cross breezes by opening your windows after the sun has gone down. Just don't forget to close them before it gets hot the next day.
Focus on Keeping Yourself Cool
ShareCool drinks, cold cloths around you neck, wearing light, breathable clothes, all of these can help you beat the heat.
Have Your Ceiling Fans Set To Counter-Clockwise
ShareThe little switch on your fan is your friend. Make sure you're running it clockwise in the winter and counter-clockwise in the summer. Trust us, you'll love the breeze.
Close Off Unused Rooms
ShareIf you're not using the room, shut it down during the day. That way if you are running an air conditioner, you'll only be cooling the areas you use. Efficiency!
Blackout Curtains
ShareBlackout curtains block out the sunlight, and could reduce heat gain by up to a third.
Keep Your Blinds Shut
ShareKeep your home from becoming a mini-greenhouse, shutting blinds could lower your indoor temperature by as much as 20 degrees!
Hack A Fan
ShareGot a fan? Grab a bowl full of ice and angle it so the fan blows across it.
Grill Outside
ShareDo not turn on that oven. Cookies can wait. So can grandma's pot roast recipe. Cook as much as you can outside so you're not generating as much heat.