These Old-Timey Letters to Santa Will Warm Your Cold Heart
Ever wondered what kids used to ask Santa Claus for a century ago? Wonder no more: we have the letters and they’re hilarious.
Tweets of Old is a Twitter account that “attempts to reveal the lives of our predecessors through the tweets of yesteryear: Real one-line brevities from old newspapers, as they appeared–or close.” Every December they roll out actual letters to Santa, written by children all across America during the turn of the last century. It’s one of my favorite things on the internet, and I’d like to share some of them with you.
We’ll start with Peyton in VA, who knows what she wants.
Fred and Mike over in SC, on the other hand? They have a warning for Santa.
Gert in NY just wants an early visit.
Thoughtful Willie in KS wants his whole family taken care of.
George in MN? He just wants pie.
God bless you, Tubby.
Here’s my all-time favorite.
I could go on and on. There are tons more on the Tweets of Old Twitter feed, so dive in and share them with your friends and family this holiday season. Laughter is one of the best gifts you can give, right? Well, next to pie, that is.