What are the best movies to watch on the 4th of July? (Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images)

What are the best movies to watch on the 4th of July? You want something Patriotic, and we think we found some good movies!

There are lots of great Patriotic movies out there to choose from. You’ve got movies about America, our wars, and movies that are literally about the 4th of July. However, which ones are the best? Here’s our list of 5 Patriotic movies to watch on the 4th of July!

What Are Good Movies To Watch On The 4th Of July?

First, we hope the weather is nice on the 4th of July so you can spend the day outside with your friends and family. You don’t want to spend your Independence Day indoors watching movies all day. Get out and see the fireworks! Enjoy some hot dogs and burgers on the grill and your favorite cold refreshments! However, at the end of the night if you’re looking or a movie to end the night with–these are some you definitely should consider.

Recently, we’ve made some themed lists about movies. We’ve done lists for sports movies like the Best Football Movies and also the best Baseball Movies Of All-Time. Likewise, we even did the best movies for 4/20! Chances are no matter what the holiday or event, there’s a handful of movies about them. After compiling the list, let me tell you it’s so much easier to make a list of the Best Basketball Movies than it is for movies to watch on the 4th of July.

What went into picking the movies for the list? Again, I had to put my personal biases aside and pick what I think the majority of people out there would agree are the 5 best movies to watch on the 4th of July. It’s not my list of my favorite movies for the holiday. Some of these movies I don’t even like! So, please know it’s not my list. However, if I left off a classic or your favorite movie to watch on the holiday, make sure to let us know in the comments!

Only picking 5 means some great movies are being left on the cutting room floor. I think Saving Private Ryan is a great movie and could be good on the 4th Of July, but it didn’t make the list. There’s also a movie called 1776 but I’ve never heard of it honestly, so consider it an Honorable Mention. Ready for the list? Check it out below!

5 Of The Best Movies To Watch On The 4th Of July

  • Independence Day

    C’mon! How could Independence Day not be on the list of the best movies to watch on the 4th of July? It’s right there in the name! Additionally, it stars Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum so you know it has to be good. It’s not all fireworks and BBQ, but it’s still a great movie for the holiday! Stick with the original and you can ignore the sequel.

  • Born On The Fourth Of July

    I know I’ve seen this movie. However, I can’t really remember much about it. Is it making the list simply because of its name? Pretty much. There are lots of Independence Day parades in the movie, so despite the overall theme and plot there is still some positive things to hang onto. It’s a different movie, but you can’t ignore the title! It’s one option for the 4th of July. Granted, it’s not the movie I would choose, personally.

  • Jaws

    Don’t forget: Jaws takes place over 4th of July! People are going to be coming to the beach to celebrate and we can’t send them home or cancel any events! Again, it’s a different kind of 4th of July movie but the first few scenes really drive that feeling of Patriotism home. Hopefully, your 4th of July goes better than of theirs! It’s a great choice for Independence Day if you’re okay with some thrills.

  • The Patriot

    We needed a war movie on the list for 4th of July. It is a holiday to celebrate our freedom from Britain and not to simply celebrate hot dogs and burgers. So, I thought The Patriot was a good choice to watch on the 4th of July. It takes place during the American Revolution and, despite the flaws of its star, it is a great movie. The Red Coats are the bad guys and the heroes are American. Happy 4th of July!

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Personally, I’m not a big Avengers guy. I enjoy some of the movies but haven’t gotten to them all. There’s just too many! However, I can’t deny that Captain America: The First Avenger is a great movie for the 4th of July. Just look at the guy! Look at the title! You could watch it on mute and it’s still a great movie for Independence Day!