Old Guy Robs to Look Cool
A Japanese Man Was Robbing People So He Could Look Cool Buying Sushi
We are often confused by the reasons people commit their crimes. We have trouble finding their motivation to perform some of the wild acts they do. In this guy’s case, we know his motivation, but don’t really understand it fully. This older Japanese man really wanted to look cool.
According to JapanToday, a 71-year-old man was arrested after robbing 63 houses in his area. It turns out, he was committing the robberies because he needed money to buy sushi for people. He really wanted to look cool and buy rounds for people, but didn’t have the necessary means on his own. The crimes took place for years until eventually he was caught.
This is a terrible addiction to have. The urge to buy people their food and drinks. The urge so bad that you have to rob people in order to do it? And for what? Just to sort of look cool for a couple minutes in front of some strangers? Very bizarre story.
Andy and Chuck joke that every time he drinks a little too much, he ends up buying everyone their food. And, he immediately regrets it and needs to go rob a few more houses to cover the bill. Chuck even imagines him practicing his announcement to everyone in the restaurant that he’s going to cover their tab.
The man who was arrested is a strawberry farmer. It also appears that his farm was one of the only places to not be victim of a robbery. Why no one questioned the farmer, who was buying rounds all the time, and who hadn’t been robbed yet, we don’t know.
There are some really bad addictions out there and this one just seems absurd. You’re going to rob people so you can buy other people sushi?! Can’t wrap my head around it!