Do Americans Still Not Understand How To Use A Roundabout?
Do Americans still not understand how to use a roundabout? It definitely seems like it after seeing these 2 guys argue about it.
Roundabouts can have significant benefits over traffic lights. They can keep the traffic going and moving while preventing severe traffic and waits. Well, that’s what they’re supposed to do if everyone does it right. If they don’t do it right or don’t know what they’re doing it can cause some serious problems and accidents will be more likely!
2 Guys Argue Over How To Use A Roundabout
Don’t know how to use a roundabout? You are not alone. It seems like many people don’t know how to use them or get confused around them. I know people who will go out of their way and take the long way to places just to avoid them! It doesn’t make sense! They’re easy and make things better for drivers on the road!
Now, a video is going viral showing 2 guys argue over how to use a roundabout. Someone posted the video of a big truck almost crashing into their car. In the video, you’ll see that it was the guy in the truck’s fault for not yielding like you’re supposed to, but clearly he didn’t understand that he was in the wrong because he yelled and claimed he had the right of way–when he, in fact, did not. You can see this viral video on Instagram below.
Yeah, you can’t do that! You have to yield and wait for it to clear and then you proceed! You don’t just get to keep going without any pause! It doesn’t work like that. This guy seems like an absolute handful, too. I just don’t understand how people still don’t know how to use them! Europeans are laughing at us. We’re the butt of the joke right now because of this. This is just one example, too. I’m sure stuff like this happens across the country every day.
If you think you’re a little confused by how to use a roundabout, rewatch the video above. Don’t do what the guy in the black truck did! Wait for the cars to pass and then you go. Cars already in the circle are not going to stop for you. You are the one who has to wait as the car approaching. Don’t over complicate things! Have you ever seen a fail at a roundabout? They’re more common than you would think.