Guy Fakes An Abduction In The Worst Proposal Ever
This could be the worst proposal ever. Why would you think it’s a good idea to fake an abduction during your proposal?
Sure, some people might consider getting married to be even more scary than being abducted or kidnapped (looking at you, Chuck The Freak) but that doesn’t make this a good idea. Now, many people online are calling it the worst proposal ever and they might have a point.
Guy Fakes An Abduction In The Worst Proposal Ever
After dating for 9 years, my girlfriend is probably seeing this video and thinking, “the worst proposal ever is still better than no proposal at all.” However, I don’t think I’d agree and it seems like many people online would agree with me here. Putting your would-be-wife through something like this seems like a good route to go if you want her to end the relationship–not start a future together.
Not only is this an awful proposal, but it’s a terrible prank. She could have a heart attack! Putting someone through this could be incredibly traumatic. The only time I’ve seen anything like it was when Ricky Gervais pranked Karl Pilkington with a fake abduction on their hit show An Idiot Abroad (which I highly recommend watching, if you haven’t, by the way). I’ve never seen Karl in such panic and in a state of fear. However, that’s their relationship and it’s for TV. This relationship is not and it can’t be recommended to propose like this.
Sure, you want your proposal to be memorable. This is certainly one way to check that box. However, some nice words and a romantic setting can also be pretty memorable, without all the trauma that comes along with an attempted abduction. It sounds like this happened somewhere in Russia and maybe they do things different over there. Locally, I can’t see this going well for a proposal. To each their own, though.
It looked like a crazy scary scene! The alleged abductors use crowbars and pipes to smash windows on the car and shove the man into the back of the van and close the door, all the while she’s in the passenger’s seat screaming with no idea what’s going on. Then, there’s the big reveal. The van open and he’s seen holding flowers prepared to ask for her hand in marriage. After that, she cries uncontrollably but she does end up saying “yes.” However, I think she might have some rough years ahead if this is how he chooses to propose. Who knows what he’s going to try to do for the honeymoon. Check out the worst proposal ever that was shared on Reddit below. How would you react if you were proposed to this way?