Psychiatrist Claims Moms Shouldn’t Have To Return Their Grocery Carts
A Los Angeles-based psychiatrist claims moms shouldn’t have to return their grocery carts. Do you agree with her?
Her claim is now breaking the internet and has started a huge debate. What do you think about it? Should moms be given a pass when it comes to returning their grocery carts?
Should Moms Have To Return Their Grocery Carts?
If you’ve ever been in the parking lot of a grocery store, you’ve seen the sea of abandoned grocery carts. Some people feel like walking to the return area is simply too much and leave their carts where ever they please. It seems like they just assume that a cart kid will come and get it in no time. Unfortunately, that’s not what usually happens.
It’s a common pet peeve seeing people not return their grocery carts. However, Leslie Dobson, a Los Angeles-based clinical and forensic psychologist took to social media to share her unique perspective on the issue. According to MSN, she said, “I’m not returning my shopping cart and you can judge me all you want. I’m not getting my groceries into the car, getting my children into the car and then leaving them in the car to go return the cart. So if you’re going to give me a dirty look, f— off.” That caused the internet to absolutely go off!
Now, some people are accusing her of being an “entitled mom,” a “Karen,” and “lazy.” She went on to clarify her comments with The Times saying that she doesn’t believe women should be shamed into returning their shopping carts if they don’t feel the parking lot is safe for them or their children. Okay, there have been some problems in parking lots. I can understand the concern for safety. Parking lots can be dangerous and there has been a rise in kidnapping and human trafficking at locations like that. However, isn’t there a better way to approach that problem than leaving your cart behind for someone to hit or prevent them from parking? She could start a petition to get more security guard in parking lots, or something.
Check out the trending video below for yourself. What do you think? Should moms have to return their grocery carts? Should they be given a break? Watch the video and let us know what you think!