Maine Woman Saves Dog After Punching Bear in the Nose During Attack
28 January 2020, Lower Saxony, Osnabrück: Black bear "Honey" can be found in the black bear enclosure in the North American animal world "Manitoba" in Osnabrück Zoo. The animal originally comes from Malta, where it was rescued from poor husbandry conditions. Photo: Friso Gentsch/dpa (Photo by Friso Gentsch/picture alliance via Getty Images)
This 64-year-old woman from Maine is a bad ass! She was bitten by a black bear after she punched it in the nose in an effort to protect her dog. After hearing her dog barking in the backyard, she saw a black bear chasing it. First, she tried to scare the bear but it didn’t leave and then the bear fought back and the woman received puncture wounds to her hand and wrist, but was able to fend off the animal, and save her dog. She was treated and released from a New Hampshire hospital. Wildlife officials are reminding people that bear attacks are rare, especially in Maine.