Science Has Determined the Most Beautiful Woman on Earth
How does Science have enough time on their hands to do all of these important studies. How to fix boners, how to cure baldness, and now they’ve determined who the MOST beautiful woman on earth is.
A new survey using the “Golden Ratio of Beauty” has determined that Jodie Comer from “Killing Eve” is the most beautiful woman in the world.
She’s followed by Zendaya
and Bella Hadid.
Man Crush Countdown!
Those who listen to Dave and Chuck the Freak regularly, probably know that James has an interesting take when it comes to talking about other men.
Especially those that have great bodies, are good at dancing, are above average looking, or have some sort of exemplary talent…but it’s not because he’s into them in a romantic or sexual way. It’s all about normalizing dudes complimenting other dudes and not feeling weird about it.
There are many celebs worthy of the man crush title, but here are James’s biggest man crushes and why!
He is the OG hunk! Since watching “Saved By the Bell” as a kid I always admired Zach Morris.
Such a cool kid, was popular in school, was dating the hottest chick in school, he was THE HUNK everyone wanted to be in school.
He was probably one of the first males I admired, since my admiration was mostly directed towards a character he played, he rounds out the bottom of the Man Crush Countdown.
(Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images)
Handsome, kind, and funny! He is the perfect specimen for your everyday good looking, nice guy.
He’s proof you do NOT need to be cut up like a mofo from spending countless hours in the gym and dieting to be hunky, just being extremely handsome is enough.
He seems like the type of dude you could trust to be around your girl and not be worried his extreme level handsomeness will cause her panties to drop.
(Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV)
Back in his “High School Musical” Days I didn’t want anything to do with him.
Once I saw his humorous side in “Neighbors” I was a bit more open to him. Then a few shirtless pictures later and a co-starring role with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on “Baywatch” and he hit man crush status.
The guy can sing, he can dance, can wash laundry on his stomach, and he’s handsome as the devil. It’d be a shame if he’s NOT on your man crush list.
(Photo by Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images)
Dance moves and abs is what puts Channing Tatum on the Man Crush Countdown!
I used to be SOOOOO jealous of Channing. Women flaunting over him, looking amazing with his shirt off, he CAN DANCE LIKE A MOFO. Hated him. Until I saw him in “This Is The End” his small role in that film changed him for me.
He surprised me, I was not expecting someone that looked and danced like that to be able to make me laugh as hard as he did. My hatred melted away to fandom and I’ve been trying to get abs and the ability to dance to “Pony” as great as Mr. Tatum ever since.
This guy sweats pure testosterone and (probably) farts masculinity.
The long haired, beer swigging, axe throwing sexy son of a bitch made Aquaman… That’s right AQUAMAN! One of the most ridiculed characters in super hero history… He made that character cool!
He looks good with his shirt off and works on motorcycles, plus has enough of a sense of humor that he made a cameo on “The Peacemaker.” For these reasons he makes it to number 2 on my man crush countdown.
(Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)
My number one man crush! I was never a fan of Cena at first. Hated the WWE rapper with the spinning championship belt…then he started showing up in movies.
He was shockingly REALLY funny in these movies too. The “Trainwreck” scene in the movie theater where he threatens to lick someone inappropriately as a threat and his role as the drug dealer in “Sisters” are the two roles that changed my view on him.
Then learning about the amount of time and energy he gives to the Make-A-Wish foundation and how jacked he looks with his shirt off is what puts him over into the top slot of my man crush countdown.