Watch Dropkick Murphys Ken Casey Rant Against MAGA
A Dropkick Murphys Ken Casey rant is a thing of beauty to behold. And his latest raver doesn’t disappoint.
Boston’s beloved Celtic punks were deep into their set at Allentown Fairgrounds in Pennsylvania on Thursday, September 1 when Ken went off. Let’s dive right in. (NSFW language ahead)
I created a transcript below. Now, it misses some of the punch without Casey’s Boston accent, but still.
Dropkick Murphys Ken Casey Rant
“…fucking country, they got welcome with open arms so they could build a better life, then listen to us! If you were part of a union, or working class people who were allowed to build a better life in the middle class in America, you fucking listen to us! ‘Cause if you’re out there buying those fucking hats that these swindlers are selling at that fucking fair… (I’m sorry kids, I know there’s kids here.) …then you’re part of the problem and I’ll tell you why: ’cause you’re being duped by the greatest swindler in the history of the world! You’re being duped by a bunch of grifters and billionaires who don’t give a shit about you or your family! They care about their fucking tax breaks and the money they can put in their pocket! If you consider yourself a patriot, and you’re spoutin’ off that election denying shit, I will fight your ass outside if you want to! Wake the fuck up! We’re working class people! These people are the fucking rich, the billionaires, and they don’t give a shit! Thank you for listening. (laughs)” Twenty-six years as a band. If you consider yourself a fan, you can give us two minutes.”
And again, if you’re a fan of Dropkick Murphys, Ken’s rant should come as no surprise. If you remember, earlier this year, Ken and the band had a message for Neo-Nazis: “We will smash you.”